Biodiesel and New Energy

Focusing on kinetic and electrical energy, particularly biodiesel, ethanol, and new hydrogen economy.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Byron Wine and Energy Information

I must ask you a question. This man has accumulated reports from Shell, Ford, GM and assorted CEOs and company heads regarding expectations and reuslts of tests of vehicles and carburaters reaching into the 100's or several hundreds of miles per gallon of fuel, from a spectrum between 1929 to 1973 and recent.

Am I to believe that these historic and early-industry reports from corporate dignitaries are false, and that the tests are bogus, or should i presume that they are correct? I think they are correct.

Do a search for the Pogue carburater and US patent #2,026,798. The reported worst tests measure 171mpg. NASA also received a patent for an item similar to the Pogue carburater. It was filed in 1935 and given in 1936, [AD].

Furthermore, examine this video and numerous others about water as a fuel source. AEC fuel cells has developed an alloy metal method for extracting hydrogen from water using no charge. This could be easily used as a source of electrical energy or in automobiles.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

"The Ford Focus Diesel (getting 55 mpg as opposed to 26 mpg for the gas version offered in the US) is one of the biggest selling cars in Europe. In fact 75% of the cars Europeans buy are diesels because they are more efficient, get great pick up and emit less carbon dioxide and pollutants of gas cars.

Why doesn't Ford (or Audi) sell their wonderful fuel efficient diesels in the US? Because our diesel fuel is dirty and therefore diesel cars in the States create too much pollution to pass emissions tests.

In Europe diesel fuel in refined to have only 15ppm sulfur and it burns cleaner than regular gas. In the States our diesel has 500ppm sulfur! No wonder diesels in the States have never overcome the bad rap they got in the 70s.

Refining diesel fuel could aid American environments and technology. But turning to biodiesel could do the same! I recently learned that America does not allow the sale of many diesel engines because of pollution requirements, although the startling and exciting figures above destroy that concern. Using biodiesel is a much better choice than petrodiesel in the first place, and biodiesel offers the same torque and power as petroD.

Buying a European ford Focus diesel and getting 55mpg seems like a very attractive offer.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Minnesota and Biodiesel

Minnesota, Iowa, and Washington State have passed economic incentives to make B2 [2% biodiesel] standard in all diesel. This level is safe for cold-start functioning. Congradulations! New York State has also passed legislation promoting Bioheat, burning biodiesel for heat. Avilability of biodiesel fuel in Chicago, Kansas City, and at major pipeline distributors has increased. New Holland is the first enginemaker to sanction B20 biodiesel in their engines. If enginemakers can install a few simple components, diesel engines will be suited to run on B100 out of the factory, and our fuel cycle and environment clenliness will improve considerably. B2 may be designed to catch attention and familiarize people with biodiesel. Good work and job. See for more news!

Biodiesel will help us clean the air. With fewer pollutants produced, low mpg shipment movers can improve environmental performance. As a state and society, we should be careful not to produce particulate matter in excess of the ability of earth's natural low-altitude negative ionic field to take care of it. When that happens we find long term accumulation of air pollution.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Batteries, Supercapacitors, and Metal Hydrides
Liion batteries
feature ~135kw/kg. GM's 1996 electric vehicle used lead-acid batteries getting 25kw/kg and performed at industry standard, except for a 79 mile range. With 5.3X as much battery power, the new electric vehicle can have substantially greater performance.

Furthermore, supercapacitors are much like batteries.

Beyond this still, METAL HYDRIDES are much like batteries. They are basically big metal batteries like nickel metal hydrides, that hold hydrogen for power. Installing these metal hydrides in cars or gadgets is one of the easiest ways to store power. The metal can enhance structural integrity and can be seperated into about 4 packages for ease of replacement/refuelling. It is an infinitely reversible chemical reaction and holds hydrogen 2-3x as densely as liquid hydrogen, and will never explode. power.

I bet a piezoelectric handcrank or dynamo could recharge them using water, in the event of getting stranded. Or a small electrolyzer could recharge them from AC power. It might also be wise to begin using these infinitely rechargeable superdense batteries in, say, my laptop, as well as in cars.

It is highly recommended that auto companies build vehicles whose cylinders will shut off in pairs when not needed. It may also be an effective choice to substitute a six piston engine for a four piston engine whose pistons are 3/2 as large. The efficiencies of this model are only outpaced by being able to shut off 2 of the 6 when not needed.

Multitronic transmissions can help make this efficiency more effective.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Biodiesel VS Ethanol

Unfortunately, biodiesel can only be run in diesel engines, and less than 5% of American vehicles run on diesel. Since many low mpg trucks run on diesel, we may be able to replace more than 5% of America's oil requirements by converting diesel engines without touching gasoline engines.

Any gasoline engine can be converted to run on ethanol, as diesel engines can be converted to run on biodiesel. Ethanol is an alcohol, and can be acquired denatured 'made undrinkable' for perhaps $2.25 per gallon in bulk. This means that ethanol is a better deal than gasoline, but not much better for the time being. However, it is minimally polluting inside the vehicle, which can reduce urban smog and improve user experience. It is uncertain whether standard production methods increase or decrease net energy level. It may depend on the amount of heat added and method of extraction. Regardless, it is on the market for you and cheaper than gas.

Since alcohol burns slower than gasoline, the timing of the firing in the piston's cycle must be adjusted backwards. This can be done by wrenching your carburater a little bit or by changing the settings on your fuel injection system. This job sounded technical when I read it, so I recommend asking your mechanic to do it for you.

Much technical information is available at the Brazilian based site Brazil is the world's #1 sugar producer, and has been using about 20% fermented sugar [ethanol] in its gas since the 1970's. The website sells equipment for your engine that will maintain its factory warranty and allow you to run on gasoline, ethanol, or both at once.

Ethanol is better and more environmentally friendly than petroleum. It can also be produced locally and makes fewer and less toxic pollutants than petroleum. On the plus, ethanol is a more powerful fuel source than gasoline and comes from farm wastes. It may also cost a few thousand dollars to convert successfully, but if engines are produced to run on gasoline-ethanol from the factory they will cost approximately the same amount as new gasoline-only engines.

Ethanol is an effective new energy in light of peak oil, world pollution, and agricultural efficiency. Links to ethanolcentric sites will appear on this page.

America and the world should change their agricultural practices to coincide with our changing fuel needs. In the coming years American and world farmers will need to devote more space to fuel crops as well as provide food for the world. Combined with the "2 million wells" program, this should be easily attainable.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Air and Battery

It is possible to build a vehicle whose power source is batteries augmented by compressed air. Even the best batteries can only charge so quickly, so to augment this and reduce a bottleneck, battery-laden carswill be fitted with compressed air tanks and supercapacitors. The car will be plugged in to a 220v socket. This will charge the batteries and superconductor, and power an air compressor which will begin filling the air tanks.

A compressed air motor will assist the electronic drivetrain, and either can run alone. This could also be duplicated with a small biodiesel, ethanol, LNG or petroleum engine assisting batteries. A small solar panel might be another good idea to trickle-charge the batteries, and a small amount of compressed air can be leaked continually to add charge to the battery packs. It is estimated that today's best Liion batteries hold 135watt hours/kilogram, making them a feasable choice. We may replace these batteries with metal hydride batteries. How many wh/kg do the best metal hydrides produce?

Note that if the electricity is made using solar electrolysis or bacterial photosynthesis, zero total pollutionis produced from start to park.

Adding piezoelectric coatings to the vehicle's shocks would also provide electrical charge for the batteries. [idea originated in April 06]