Biodiesel and New Energy

Focusing on kinetic and electrical energy, particularly biodiesel, ethanol, and new hydrogen economy.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

New Links:

Biodiesel Station. Contains links to ebay'd diesel engined vehicles of many low price ranges near Poughkeepsie, NY. I'd drive it. Easy search!

Also, see what Canada is doing. They're switching from American 500ppm diesel to European 15ppm diesel. Take a lesson, America. This will remove 90% of lung damaging particles from the air and be the equivalent of removing 200,000 trucks from the road. This is the clean air action.

Seperately, this is an outrage. Why would California limit the sale of biodiesel? I also believe I saw Golden Gate Fuels selling B100 without any special mention of this law. I am disappointed in you, California.

Look at these quotes. Recycled grease fuel should cost about a buck. I don't know why someone would sell biodiesel costing more than regular diesel at any time.


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